We're happy with our progression in the gender equity space but we're not there yet.  We can do more.

According to Ausplay (the federal government's primary data source of sport activity information), rock climbing sits at around 60/40 men to women participation ratio.  However, the dominant portion of these statistics lie in adult recreation.  Sport climbing competitions are by enlarge much more dominated by male participants.

The T4L however sits also at around 60/40 men to women and boys to girls.  As far as a sporting competition in our industry is concerned, this ratio is extremely pleasing.  However, we aim to do better.  50/50 we believe is not out of the question.  This is the sort of ratio that it is on a global recreational scale which is one of the best of any sport. So this is our target. 

Inclusion is a big part of our why and the fact is that women in our sport are often every bit as equal as men.  Brute strength only takes you so far.  Balance, co-ordination, full range of motion and the ability to think through a situation tend to be every bit as important and women often do this better than men. 

The ratio a few years ago was more like 75/25 but the last 12 months or so has seen a significant change.  The Wednesday afternoon youth session at 3:45pm is predominantly girls only and there's now a Thursday evening session at 5pm that we refer to as 'women inclusive'. 

A healthy balance is a natural place to be and week by week this is the shape the T4L is taking.  

11 Feb 2023


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